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Emergency shutdown

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Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2018-08-17 20:57
Posts: 9
Emergency shutdown

I use my VESC-drive to control a rail-bound teaser-machine from a distant place. If by bad chance the RC-Tx drops out while the machine is running it will continue to move on.

Is there a setting that I did not find until now that turns the drive off or set it to minimum whenever the RC-Rx does not receive a valid signal?

This is a safety issue. Any suggestions to resolve this will be highly appreciated

Last seen: 4 days 5 hours ago
VESC BronzeVESC FreeVESC GoldVESC OriginalVESC PlatinumVESC Silver
Joined: 2016-12-27 20:19
Posts: 847

In the app setting you will find a safety timout value that defines how long to wait after a signal drop. After that time the VESC will cut back the power. You can also define a timeout brake current that is applied if the signal is lost.