I have a stm32 development board that ı control pwm with current sensor.I want to run this card with VESC.Is this possible.Best Regards.
Yes, if it is an STM32F405 or F407 MCU and you can modify and compile the firmware yourself it is possible.
Thanks you for answer
I'm using stm32F407G kullanıyorum
I use the KEİL program in the software
I have almost no know ledge of VESC
I really want to learn, will I have to do a lot of software on it after purchasing VESC
or https://github.com/vedderb/bldc loading the codes here and is it enough to combine with my work
Best Regards
Yes, if it is an STM32F405 or F407 MCU and you can modify and compile the firmware yourself it is possible.
Thanks you for answer
I'm using stm32F407G kullanıyorum
I use the KEİL program in the software
I have almost no know ledge of VESC
I really want to learn, will I have to do a lot of software on it after purchasing VESC
or https://github.com/vedderb/bldc loading the codes here and is it enough to combine with my work
Best Regards