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MK3 branch in bldc repo?

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Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2019-12-16 18:06
Posts: 11
MK3 branch in bldc repo?

Hi Benjamin, you indicated in the 'original HW' forum that you would upload the MK3 schematic--which I am looking forward to.  But I am actually more keen to try modifying the FW on the MK3.  Do you plan to push the mk3 FW to the bldc repo as well?

w/ regards

Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2017-09-21 08:55
Posts: 17

It appears to already be pushed. To configure for the mk3 you need to set the HW60_IS_MK3 flag in conf_general.h

The hw configs are then in hwconf/hw60.h and hwconf/hw60.c

I think the main differences are the addition of the powerswitch and permanent bluetooth module if you look at the configs.

// Mark3 version of HW60 with power switch and separate NRF UART.
//#define HW60_IS_MK3
I too am eagerly awaiting the schematic release of the mk3.
Without an additional mosfet powerswitch the leakage of the capacitors themselves should consume over the 20ua standby current advertised by Trampa.

The schematic release would allow for proper engineering calculations to confirm/refute this claim.
considering this wording on
"In the future we will publish the schematics for all official VESC hardware, but not necessarily the complete hardware layout with gerber files. "
It is concerning that it has been 2 months without a release of the schematic. Though it seems that vedder is exceptionally busy right now.