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How do you wire one power-on push button to two VESC 6 MIIIs?

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Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2020-01-16 16:18
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How do you wire one power-on push button to two VESC 6 MIIIs?

How do you wire one 5V push button power switch to two VESC 6 MIIIs?

I'm guessing you only wire the single power button's 5V and GND to one VESC and then splice the power button's C1 and NC into both VESCs? ...or maybe the GND also gets spliced into both VESC's, or what is the correct way?


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Thanks for sharing the link to the photos of the push button setup.

Can you wire the 5V and ground to other available ports on the VESC MK3 or does it have to be to the Can and Comm ports?  ...currently the Can and Comm ports have the Link and Comm cable plugged-in requiring having to order new plugs and do some rewiring, vs just tapping into other available pins on the VESC.

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2021-09-10 15:59
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Hello, I am trying to add power ON/OFF switch to my VESC board. I am using power switch pin on the COMM port of VESC board. NC pin of switch is connected to power switch pin and the other pin is connected to ground of CAN port as mentioned in the reference above.
I did some voltage measurement testing across the switch (my motor is not running). When the switch is OFF the voltage across the switch is 3.2 volts, when I turn ON the switch the voltage across drops to zero (as expected). Again when I turn off the switch the voltage should be 3.2 volts, instead it is 2.1 volts. I again Turn ON the switch the voltage drops to zero and also my VESC board is disconnected from the VESC desktop tool. Now when I again turn it OFF the voltage becomes 3.2 volts. To run the motor I have to reconnect the VESC board to VESC desktop tool!
Can anybody please explain why is it happening?
