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Installing new VESC firmware/Bootloader, Error: Serial port error: The I/O operation has been aborted"

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Installing new VESC firmware/Bootloader, Error: Serial port error: The I/O operation has been aborted"

Hello All,

I have been experiencing problems with my electric long board lately and am desperate to get it up and running for the summer! I have done a little research about VESCs and have a background in mechanical engineering, but don't know too much about software and firmware. I would be extremely appreciative if anyone could help me with my issue that I describe below. First, let me get into the hardware I have in my setup:



I noticed one day after turning on my board and hitting the acceleration on my controller, the motor starter wigging out, moving back and forth rapidly with no control . I was not able to ride it and it couldn't provide the power to push the board forward. At first I started inspecting all the hardware and electrical connections and nothing seemed wrong so I figured it was the hardware. I plugged my board into the VESC tool 1.16 and tried messing around with installing new firmware without watching any tutorials (first mistake I know). I have updated the firmware once before and remember it was pretty simple, so I figured it wouldn't be an issue. I went to either (I can remember) the firmware tab or the boot loader tab, and installed the 4.12 software. I understand that if I installed a new boot loader, it messes everything up in the VESC, but idk if this is the problem or not. The board wouldn't reconnect after the upload, wouldn't update firmware, and I would have to restart the process. For a video of the problem that I made for someone else, see this link: For a more solid procedure, please see my exact steps below:

Update Procedure:

  1. I downloaded the VESC tool free windows. Upon connection it told me that my firmware is too old, so I selected from the HW tab the 4.10&4.11&4.12 item, in the firmware tab is said "VESC_default.bin" and I uploaded that.
  2. It did erase and upload and then said "FW Upload Done" and error message: "Serial port error: The I/O operation has been aborted because of a thread exit or an application request.". 
  3. The VESC will not connect, even after waiting 10+ minutes.
  4. I disconnect the USB, reconnect, and it is still running the old firmware.


  • Do you have any guesses on what the problem is?
  • Does the motors freaking out have to do with the motors hardware/electrical connections or the firmware being wayyy to old?
  • Can I just get an STLink to erase the existing boot loader and find the right boot loader to install from Github? (like this one, purple one, third one down?)
  • Can someone link to a good STLINK v2 or the correct hardware I need to fix the issue?
  • Can someone link a good tutorial on how to use the STLINK?

Thank you for investing time into finding a solution. I am really excited to get this thing back up and running and don't want to have to buy a new 110$ VESC...Thanks!

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2019-07-24 16:34
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I am having this same issue. My VESC came with firmware 3.5 and I need to update to 3.58 in order to use the tool. It's odd because I was able to update one of my VESCs from 3.5 to 3.58 but not the other.


Please let me know if you found a solution to this.

Luca Torani
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Hi everyone, I have the same problem too.  After the last update to version 3.58 the VESC program no longer communicates with the hardware, even when switched on it only connects if I use the auto connection key.  The upload and read keys do not give any result.  I also tried to reload an old Bootloader using the ST link st32 programmer and then reload the latest version from the VESC tool.  Thanks to anyone who wants to solve the problem.

Luca Torani
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Hi, I think the problem is due to the ST link programmer driver.  In fact, after disconnecting it, connecting VESC directly to the USB, in the resource manager the com port corresponding to the VESC signals an STM driver instead of the correct one.  Unfortunately, even if the STM driver is deleted, the port no longer recognizes the VESC preventing its programming.  I am running various tests to solve the problem.

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Any updates on this? I'm having the same problem.

Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2019-11-01 21:56
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Exactly the same problem as well. Trying to update existing firmware (v3.48) on a newly purchased VESC6+ to latest so that I can use the vesc-tool too and actually get to using it :-(


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If the bootloader is broken, you can always reinstall it in the bootloader tab (firmware menu). If everything fails, you can re-flash the  ESC via SWD prog. Basically you use any other VESC you have to program the broken ESC. Watch Benjamin Vedders YouTube channel. He has a SWD Prog video up. Mi ute 5:30 onwards.

Thiago Kuratani
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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If the bootloader is broken, you can always reinstall it in the bootloader tab (firmware menu). If everything fails, you can re-flre-flash the  ESC via SWD prog. Basically you use any other VESC you have to program the broken  esc. Watch Benjamin Vedders YouTube channel. He has a SWD Prog video up. Mi ute 5:30 onwards.


Hi, @frank. So if nothing is working and I can't connect to my vesc, I need another vesc to save it? Is that the only solution?