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anti spark circuit

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Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2019-10-31 07:48
Posts: 9
anti spark circuit

hey guys,

I see many post and products around the web about the anti spark switch systems but I could not get how to achieve such circuit without switch and without 3rd wire.

I had an ESC from hobbywing with built in spark proof circuit and it actually did the job well in that regard. I had no extra cable or circuit. just my 2 main power leads and zero spark.

Any idea how such circuit is achieved or if any such product is available? 

Using solid state relay is feasible but they are heating quite a lot and not so good in that regard so would be my last option.




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You can use an anti spark connector like the XT 90S. Switches can be either real switches or they are a simple standby switch (like on a Hobby ESC).

At this stage an Anti Spark switch is the way forward if you do not want a loop Key (build from a XT90S connector ). A loop key is simple, cheap, effective and reliable.