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75/300 connection issues FW3.6

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Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2019-10-31 07:48
Posts: 9
75/300 connection issues FW3.6


Running latest firmware for the newly received VESC 75/300.

USB on windows 10 connects ok and all parameters can be sent, however anytime the motor runs, the USB will disconnect. This prevents me for auto setup and monitoring.

Please advise...

I then tried the BLE connection with mobile App (could not connect at all to it with windows version...). on the mobile app, it connects and then a second after it disconnects and shows message as follows:

"could not read firmware version. Make sure that the selected port really belongs to the VESC"

any idea? 

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 08:01
Posts: 8

Same problem here with 75/300...


"could not read firmware version. Make sure that the selected port really belongs to the VESC"

Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2019-10-31 07:48
Posts: 9

And with USB? Domyou get also disconnected once motor rotates?

Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
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Personally I would try and re-upload the latest FW. After a FW update, you can also update the internal BLE module via SWD Prog. To do so, IO and CLK of both SWD ports need to be interconnected. IO to IO and CLK to CLK.

Then you follow this procedure:  and there is also a video online:

You need to choose the VESC BLE Builtin!

Another method is to simply erase the built in NRF chip (disable it) and attache a external VESC-Connect dongle.

When running the motor while being connected via USB, make sure to switch on Heart Beats in the right menu bar.

A bad USB cable could cause USB disconnects. Trying some different USB cables sometimes proofs to be a good decision.

A ground loop via USB is also possible! Run you laptop from its battery when using a power supply for powering the VESC!