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200kHz PWM

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2019-09-22 16:58
Posts: 2
200kHz PWM


I'm trying to use VESC for a wide bandgap motor controller that I am designing but am concerned that the F405 cannot operate its control loop at 200kHz. Is it fast enough to do this? Should I look into porting the code base for the H7 series which can reach 480MHz? Alternatively, is it an option to run the control loop at a lower frequency (20kHz) and have the switching occur at 10x the speed. This would result in the PWM changing its duty cycle only every 10 cycles. Are there any issues that anyone can think of if I were to do this?

- Chai

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2019-09-22 16:58
Posts: 2

So I have decided to scale down a little due to power stage complexities to 100kHz. Is the F405 fast enough to operate at that speed?

- Chai

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2017-08-28 10:27
Posts: 16

No, the control loop can not run at that speed. But a new feature in the firmware let the PWM frequency be a multiple of the control loop so you can have 100 kHz PWM and 20 kHz current control.