I'm trying to hook hall sensors up to a unsensored BLDC motor (6374 SK3 149KV).
The signals are ok (between 1.1V to 3.5V with a 5V power supply) but no way to pass the sensors detection in both BLDC and FOC modes.
The signals look like this (turning the motor by hand) :
We can see that the "blue" sensor is a bit shifted.
Is it not synchronised enough for the VESC ? Or is it a matter of voltage signal ?
Thanks for advices !
What version of vesc are you using?
I thought the hall sensors were supposed to be latched ones, the transition slope there probably doesn't help much.
@e-biker : HW6 like (ESCAPE)
@TechAUmNu : I got this plot by turning the motor by hand, so that may explain the strange transition slope.
If I have spare time, I'll test the same record while the sensors detection.
Thanks for your answers.
How long are your hall cables?
VESC 6 doesn't have external hall signal filtering, maybe noise is the issue. If you have scope try measuring hall signal under detection and watch how it looks.
And as TechAUmNu said halls are latching so their signal should be almost perfectly square shaped.