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Questions on VESC tool

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Joined: 2019-06-25 14:15
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Questions on VESC tool

Hello guys,

I have a few questions concerning the current VESC tool 1.16 (to my knowledge, there isn`t really a complete manual that explains all functionalities). What I would like to know as a beginner is:

1) Motors can be configured either by using the wizard or manually. It seems to me the wizard does not cover all settings that can be adjusted in manual mode. So does the wizard basically use the preset values from manual mode for the settings it does not cover?

2) The way I understand it, under "motor settings" the "general" section applies to all configuration modes (BLDC, DC, FOC and GPD). Is that correct? And what about the sections "PID controllers" and "Additional info". Do I need to change anything here?

3) I am using a VESC 4.12 with a hall-sensored BLDC outrunner motor that weighs about 400 grams. Is it advisable to use FOC mode rather than BLDC mode? In the FOC wizard, you can only choose a "small outrunner" with 200 grams or a "medium size" wih 750 grams. Which one should I choose? And would that not cause a loss of performance or an overloading of the motor?

4) What exactly is the GP Drive mode for? Should I use it?

5) What is the Hall table for that appears during configuration? The first and last number in the table is always 255 (the other values range between 1 and 6) in my case. Is that normal or is there something wrong?

If someone has the time and could help me out I would greatly appreciate it wink. Thanks a lot.

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1) Use the wizard please. VESC-Tool will find the best values for you. You can adjust a couple of values manually if you like, even using the Wizard.

2) General applies to BLDC and FOC. PID controller is a feedback mechanism needed in special applications, no need to adjust anything here! Additional Info is for gearing, motor info, wheel diameter etc. This will be filled in by the Wizard if you give the wizard the info. With this info the VESC Tool can accurately display speed and estimated range etc.

3) medium size please

4) GP = General Purpose. Ever used a VESC to drive a massive Subwoofer?

5) Hall sensors are detected automatically, if your motor features them and if plugged in. Its easy to find out if they work by giving it a try.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-06-25 14:15
Posts: 6

Hi Frank.

thank you a lot. There are still some aspects I have not completely understood though:

1) So the wizard will use default values or calculate appropriate values for those parameters that are not explicitly set? Am I good to go with those? (By the way, do you happen to know what current is allowable for LiPo batteries during regeneration? The official maximum charging rate for my type is 3C. Should I stick to that for regeneration or can I go higher?)

2) In the "general" tab of the "general" section, you can select all four types (BLDC, FOC, DC, GPD). So i assume this section is relevant for all of them?

3) If i choose a motor bigger than the real one, can that not cause an overload?

4) What does GP Drive do on a "physical level" (as I figure, you couldn't drive a subwoofer using the same algorithm as for, say, a BLDC motor)?

5) What does the hall table mean on a physical level?

Thanks again.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-06-25 14:15
Posts: 6

No one here who could enlighten me? I'm really trying to get into the weeds but unfortunately there seems to be no complete official documentation on the VESC tool.

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2020-09-10 20:42
Posts: 3

Hi friends

I have the last version of the vesc tool , my vesc is Flipsky 4.20 , I made firmware update and tried to calibrate the motors with success but when I tried calibrate the PPM it enters to calibration but no reading  of minimum , maximum and middle range of the PPM .

My PPM is also Flipsky compatible 4.20 version.

I also have Bluetooth by Flipsky to connect to vesc tool from my phone.

When I push the PPM full up the motors moving at fast speed imidiatly and when pushing full back it goes slowly

What am I doing wrong ?

Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2021-03-27 10:58
Posts: 1


Since vescs are damn amps and vollts little monsters you have to be very very careful with all parameterers and values for vesc  battery  and motor