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ADC EBike Throttle Not Responding

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ADC EBike Throttle Not Responding

I recently bought a flipsky FSESC6.6 and when configuring with a hall sensor based throttle the software only registered the noise.  It would alternate between 1.44-1.47 volts and have no response to the input of the ebike controller.  I have tested the pins on the vesc and they are providing the 5V needed.  I have also tested the ebike throttle and it returns a 0-5V range, also tested this with the AnalogReadSerial Function in arduino.  Any help is appreciated.

Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Hi d_hoody

I'm for sure not the right person to answer, but maybe my little knowledge helps.

a) what have you set as input control? "ADC, no reverse , brake, ......." ?

b) 1,4V seems the floating input voltage of "nothing connected there"; my ADC2 looks that way, until I connect the brake which switch between 0 (engaged) and 3,3V (open) with pullup resistor.


ebike and VESC seems very rare (don't ask me why) as in about 5 questions I never received any reply in the last two and a half years. So far I found ADC1 for throttle input (1-4V for HALL Throttles) and ADC2 for brake (pull up resistor seems necessary) of a simple "closed  switch design like my WuXing offers).

I offered to test PAS as well, but Benjamin seems busy with the last glitches in the VESC 6x, so no interest so far.




Pedelec usage in combination with a GoldenMotor MagicPie3 BLDC

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I have the exact same problem. Any solution? I have connected it via a modified servoitester. Is that the right way?


Best, Sindre

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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I have just successfully used the ADC on my ebike using this throttle

I connect it as following (hardware version 4.12):


Be carefull, I used a 6 pin connector to the 7 pin connector on the VESC because I had this connector available, connected to pin 2-VCC, 3-GND and 4-ADC.

The hardware is oké ? you measured on pin 4 an incoming voltage with a multimeter ?

If so then you should set App setting to ADC (off cource after you connect with the VESC)


And load it to the VESC, then you should turn on 'Stream realtime App data' on the right and you should see then in the ADC app, the mapping tap, a changing voltage.


Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
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Thanks!  I was suffering from the same problem.  But with a same throttle you recommended, it worked!

Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
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Hi there, I've been stuck on the OP's same issue for a few days now with a new Flipsky FSESC6.6. I'm not getting any feedback through the throttle apart from the noise 1.4 ish V.

I have the same throttle, although from Bangood. I've been through the wizard a few times with no luck, and tried manually making sure ADC is selected in the general App tab.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Cheers

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Hi Gatze, I’m having a pr















Hi Gatze, I came across this thread while searching for a solution to my ADC problem. My vesc is not responding to my throttle. I have several 5v ebike throttles that I’ve tried but no luck! I’m a newby to vesc so very well could be user error! I noticed your link to the ebike throttle, is there something different about that throttle that made it work? I thought all were pretty much the same 5v throttles? 


Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Hi Gatze, I came across this thread while searching for a solution to my ADC problem. My vesc is not responding to my throttle. I have several 5v ebike throttles that I’ve tried but no luck! I’m a newby to vesc so very well could be user error! I noticed your link to the ebike throttle, is there something different about that throttle that made it work? I thought all were pretty much the same 5v throttles? Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Bryan

Last seen: 2 days 19 hours ago
VESC FreeVESC Original
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Hi bsissell,

you need to configure your input in vesc tool. There you should be able to see if the VESC sees the signal or not, and set up the correct working input voltage range for you throttle. Also make sure you are connected to the correct pins (VCC, GND, ADC1)

Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Hi Velolac, I tried to set up my input in the VESC tool  input wizard. It doesn't respond to my throttle. I've double checked all the options like what kind of input I'm using etc. I'm a newby at vesc so very well could be user error. When I go to set up throttle limits it just shows a consistent voltage, doesn't respond at all when I move the throttle. I also tried a two other 5v e-bike style throttles and it acted the same. Wires from the throttle are correct too. The 6.6 Flipsky vesc is new so hopefully it's not dead on arrival! Thanks for your reply! Going to double check the 5v output on the vesc but pretty sure it's pitting our voltage because the vesc tool shows a consistent voltage. 

Last seen: 2 days 19 hours ago
VESC FreeVESC Original
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Your voltage source (red) shall be the VCC pin, which I believe gives out 3,3V, not 5. Anyway, it should work with that pin.

Ground is the black wire, and

the signal (yellow) shall go to ADC1.


I am using the original Trampa version, not sure how the Flipsky is made, but it should be the same imo.

You should be able to check if your ebike throttle and cable is good by simply connecting it to a voltage source and check if the signal output voltage varies as you change throttle position. Also when you are testing the VESC make sure not to short 5V or Vcc to ground as this may overload that chip and make it unusable. good luck!

Oded Mazor
Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
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Connecting a simple hall throttle to the vcc's 3.3v output? Not to the 5v output?

Aren't these simple ebike hall throttles made for 5v?