My VESC won't get below 900 rpm. Once I set the RPM to anything between 900 and -900, it will simply stop turning. Where can I set the min RPM? I only see the max RPM and max RPM in reverse settings in VESC tool.
As far as I know, this is normal. I believe this limit exists because the motor would spin too slow for decent rpm readings (since the back EMF voltages would be very low), therefore the VESC couldn’t regulate the rpm properly. Try modifying this limit on the firmware, and see what happens. ;)
As far as I know, this is normal. I believe this limit exists because the motor would spin too slow for decent rpm readings (since the back EMF voltages would be very low), therefore the VESC couldn’t regulate the rpm properly. Try modifying this limit on the firmware, and see what happens. ;)
So I need to modify the source code of the firmware to change this limit? Is there a less painful way such as using vesc tool?
Try to change the 'Minimum ERPM' to a smaller value, this configuration is under 'Motor Setting' -> 'PID Controllers'-> 'Minimum ERPM'
Click on "show non-default FW" in the FW menu. Load default FW with no Hardware limits: VESC_default_no_hw_limits.bin
Be careful, since that FW can destroy your device if settings are higher than HW limits.
The 900rpm minimum can be changed in the configurator, standard firmware. I have mine at 300 for my hoverboard wheels
What vesc are you using? I am very new to this taking notes and learning.
Artius Reynolds