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latest FW ,but your VESC needs to updated?

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latest FW ,but your VESC needs to updated?

HI there,

I'm trying to configure my "app" and get an error, that my firmware needs to be updated. 

Two questions) 

A) Shouldn't that be my decision ;o)  How can I switch that off? Why can't I use an old FW? *silly*

B) Seems to be a bug again. Isn't that the latest Firmware?

2019-07-07 16:46:52: Status: VESC Firmware Version 3.58, Hardware: 60, UUID: 52 00 49 00 0C 50 48 50 50 33 39 20

2019-07-07 16:47:28: Status: VESC Firmware Version 3.58, Hardware: 60, UUID: 4E 00 49 00 0C 50 48 50 50 33 39 20


Thanks in advance,


Last seen: 3 weeks 6 days ago
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A) Some settings and behavior changes between firmwares, and having VESC Tool support all combinations of settings and behavior of all firmwares of the past would be extremely difficult. Therefore you have to use a firmware that is recent enough for a given vesc tool version to support it.

B) That sounds strange. Are you using VESC Tool? Where and when did you get it?

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-23 13:41
Posts: 5

HI Benjamin,

Vesc Tool is from the download page here. Version 1.16.

As far as I can see in the code (Changelog etc) the firmware has not been changed since 1.14.

Website is still at 1.15; maybe this is the Problem? I did't find the time jet to look through all the qt code.

My guess is, that I am still im limitedMode and therefor firmwarePage is shown. I need to add some debugging info to the code and install qt 5.12 to do so. My Qt env is a bit outdated.





Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 5

Hi Benjamin,

I added some dbug code; seems the resetinput bool is flase.

DEBUG (..\vesc_tool-master\setupwizardapp.cpp:105 virtual int AppIntroPage::nextId() const): limitedmode mVesc->commands()->isLimitedMode() false

DEBUG (..\vesc_tool-master\setupwizardapp.cpp:106 virtual int AppIntroPage::nextId() const): !mResetInputOk true

resetInputCan() was the problem. When I disconnect the remote, the Wizard skips the FW Page.


I still need some time to understand why my remote signal is blocking or what resetInputCan does.



Rc 44
Last seen: 4 months 11 hours ago
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I'm also having issues with Fw 3.58. But in my case the PPM signal is not being sent to the slave Vesc over CAN, so now I can only control the master with PPM. Since it was working fine on earlier Fw versions, I think that's an issue with Fw 3.58. Hoping for new Fw updates.


Last seen: 3 weeks 6 days ago
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Thanks for looking that up in the code. It does sound like resetting the app config to the default values fails for some reason, and that this brings you to the firmware page (which might not be the most obvious thing to do then). How are you connected to the VESC? Do you happen to have two VESCs with the same CAN ID?

Rc 44
Last seen: 4 months 11 hours ago
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Thanks for the reply

I have the VESCs connected together via CAN and the master VESC is communicating with an Arduino using UART + PPM, where I’m using UART to receive the values from both VESCs and PPM to control the master.

The master receives the signal fine, but even when the CAN signal is working for telemetry the throttle doesn’t get sent to the slave. Yes I have verified that the master and slave have different CAN IDs. The problem persists even when I disconnect the UART cables from them (because it interferes with the Fwd CAN feature on VESC Tool).

It was working fine before, so I could try downgrading the firmware on them, but since it’s not recommended, I am not willing to do it.

Rc 44
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I managed to make it work, I just did the input setup wizard first then did the FOC setup wizard and it worked fine. I have no Idea of why it worked like this, since I always did it in the opposite order.

Thanks for the help!