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Regenerative braking question and vesc input question

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Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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Regenerative braking question and vesc input question


1. I have set my vesc regenerative brake current max to -5A, as i have a 5Ah battery (LiPo) and i know that charging a battery at more than 1c is not recommended 

for its life span. My problem is that now my brake is just not working after 1 or two seconds of trying to brake (I figured it's because it passes the max current),

is my problem that the battery is too small, or am i missing something?

2. Im planning to switch to li ion, i would be glad to know if the answer to question 1 is same for lipo and li ion.

3. My controller is an arduino that writes pwm to the vesc's signal wire, right now configured on "current no reverse with brake"

the problem is that no matter if i have a load on the motor, it always goes straight to full (even when not on full throttle).

I figured that the right mode for me would be either duty cycle or pid but with these mode i cant reach full throttle (the motor wont speed up to the top speed).

Is there any doc about everything related to the app setting in the vesc tool?  (I have already read the docs on this site)

I have a lot of question and couldn't find a place with answers for them.. 


4. When i push my throttle forward the vesc accelerate extremely fast, i tries to raise the speed ramping parmeter, and got up to 4 seconds with no visible change, why is that?

5. On all the commercial remotes there is a button that switches to reverse, and when not pressed, the throttle only accelerates and brakes, how can i implement that?



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1. Regen is usually only a short spike, so you can't use the formula 1c for charging. 1c refers to a full charge from empty to full.  So set that to 15A and give it a try. Battery max regen is important for high speed braking. Motor max regent becomes more dominant the slower you get.  Lipo can swallow and deliver more amps, liIon is less capable but can have higher energy density per volume. 

Did you calibrate the input signal? Input wizard! Probably the throttle mapping is not accurate. 

Reverse is possible with NRF remote. There is a new VESC remote available soon. Trampa/VESC WAND. 

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2018-10-10 18:55
Posts: 5

1. Good to know, thanks!

3. the input is calibrated just fine.. (im seeing that the throttle matches the ends and center correctly)

Im talking about not having  a "middle range", even if i push the throttle just a little, the motor will accelerate slower, but still go to full throttle in the end.. 

4. About the reverse button, im looking to implement it on my own, what i want to know is how can you "tell" the vesc to switch to reverse


EDIT: So, i found that pid mode works exactly as i needed, the only prproblem i have now, is that when the throttle is centered, the brake is on, hohow can i set it to have also a "neutral" state?