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ADC Current No Reverse Brake Button / Bluetooth

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Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2018-03-29 02:03
Posts: 9
ADC Current No Reverse Brake Button / Bluetooth

Hi, I've started using ADC Current No Reverse Brake Button which fills my needs pretty well in terms of throttle ergonomics. But because the Brake button is using GND and RX pins, I suppose I cannot use UART anymore to connect a Bluetooth module. 

-Is it possible to use a mobile vesc monitoring app through USB (with USB On-the-go adapters) instead of Bluetooth ?

-Is it possible to modify the firmware and put that Brake Button on the unused ADC2 pin instead of RX, and free RX for UART purposes.

-Can I use another mode like "Current No Reverse Brake ADC2" where my Button would act as a rough second throttle (it'd have only one set braking level) 


(That's on a VESC 4.12)

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2018-04-26 12:18
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In the firmware there is an option to use the servo pin as a button. I think by default it is configured as cruise control but that is easily changed.

Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2018-03-29 02:03
Posts: 9

I've just seen something pretty similar in that discussion

So if I'm understanding correctly, using ADC + UART instead of ADC, the button would be mapped on the servo pins. That sounds very promising.  

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when using ADC+ UART - Current No Reverse Brake Button - which pins would the brake button be mapped to?
Been trying ot find my way back through all the adc code but im just chasing my tail at this point.

Edit: Risked the biscuit and figured out it was PPM to -.

r/Forlix1, Youtube: Sultry_Pineapple

Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-06-10 06:01
Posts: 5

Blue tooth module {cannot read firmware/this vesc is not paired add uuid to pair vesc} problem fixed. I had same problem. I thought my comment port was out. This is what I did. I set up the app to how I need it before I tried to connect it and set the app to NO APP then had another phone recording vesc tool mobile while doing this. Then I would press connect Bluetooth if the vesc sees it then immediately hit (back up configure) or (restore config) then press OK immediately after then it Said processing then a page pops up with the vest UU ID number on it then it goes straight to cannot read firmware or to pay this where are you you ID. So that's why you record it because you go back to the phone that you were using to record during the process with get the UU ID type it in the best school and you will be able to connect. It took me a few tries but I got it. And I have a dual set up and I thought both my COM ports were out but they're both fine and everything's working fine now.

Jb island