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Paypal alternative

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2018-11-18 14:09
Posts: 83
Paypal alternative


as my project is going to the finish, I'd like to support VESC with a financial support, by buying a platinum. account. So far so good, but I'm not willing to support paypal (in the EU I see no advantage and bank transfer is free of charge and with max. 1 working day fast enough). Is there an normal bank account to transfer the money?



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Maybe it's the best if you contact Benjamin via PM. 

Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
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Joined: 2016-12-26 15:20
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Thanks for being willing to support the project, I really appreciate it! I agree that paypal is not great and they take too high fees, but it was the only thing that was easy to integrate with drupal, ubercart and the badges. I have opened a bank account which you could put the payment on, and I can manually update your status and badges if you send your username as the payment message.

Swedish bank account number 5699 02 987 31
IBAN SE1050000000056990298731

I hope it is safe to post a bank account number online like this :-)

Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2018-11-18 14:09
Posts: 83

Hello Ben

I agree with the possibility of leaks/misusages by third parties. I'm not sure if your bank account has the possibility, but there are a few precautions available:

a) have the account running on your company/spouse/... name (so knowing your name (well open source) and bank account (well above) does not match and invoices will be rejected on that basis)

b) let the account be on "payment only" (so your account only accepts positive banking transfers and only you can transfer it from that to your real account)

c) talk to your bank about it. Online data/name is something very usual and surely safeguarded if you know how (e.g. wikipedia, GNU, ..............)


I'll transfer the money next time I'm in my bank account! It's OK for me to be silver pale so no need to feedback the info. It's amazing what you started and I just try to do my bit. If I might advise an important step: upgrade the documentation; it took me a lot of time (as bike user) to figure out the meaning of pins/setting/profiles to adapt. Luckily I found the profiles explained on a esc8k board in their archive. Maybe a onetime investment on a more detailed docu would help minimize threads (so I'd like to think). Most seem to prefer your youtube manual, but as technician I'd like to understand all settings and then chose the right (=best fitting) one for me. Frank told me that you're hardly available as the VESC6 needs all your time (which I fully understand) so this is no complain just a suggestion.




Pedelec usage in combination with a GoldenMotor MagicPie3 BLDC

Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2018-11-18 14:09
Posts: 83

Hi Benjamin

took some time, but today I did my monthly banking round and I did my part for now.




P.S.: I hope a lot of EU members use this variant as well (no costs and full payment to the project)!


Pedelec usage in combination with a GoldenMotor MagicPie3 BLDC

Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
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Joined: 2016-12-26 15:20
Posts: 490

Thanks a lot, I got it on my account!

Sorry for being a bit slow at replying, hopefully that will change in the next period. I just pushed the code I have been working on the past 7 months:


This time I started working on a lot at once that broke things in many places, but the recent two months I really had to push myself to finish everything in time for the release of the VESC 75/300, which would not work with the old firmware. In January and February I spent around 200 hours on evenings and weekends in addition to my full-time job so far (I'm keeping a log since the start of this year). I really appreciate the support, it helps keep me motivated and buying hardware for testing all sorts of setups. Hopefully this project will continue to grow, and more hardware and software will show up over time.