So I made a mistake on my 4.12 VESC derivative I'm doing. I accidentally mixed up the phase and current sense signals. I have SENS1 to H1_VS, SENS2 to H2_VS, and SENS3 to H3_VS. I have SH1_A and SH1_B measuring H1 current and SH2_A/B measuring H3 current.
The correct schematics have SENS1 to H3_VS, SENS2 to H2_VS, and SENS3 to H1_VS along with the current sense opposite of mine.
Someone else made a similar mistake as seen from this thread but there wasn't a defined resolution. I figure I can modify the firmware the accommodate my mistakes. If this is true, can someone provide a link or something that contains instructions on modifying the VESC firmware? I'm also open to other solutions and suggestions.
If you have Ubuntu make changes in hwconf/hw_410.h with any text editor then compile it by following instructions in software documentation.
If you're using Windows download and install Chibistudio and edit/compile it from there.
Sweet. Thanks galp. I will pursue the windows method.