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Motor temperature, how to set limit >120 C ?

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Joined: 2017-05-24 12:46
Posts: 38
Motor temperature, how to set limit >120 C ?

The winding in my new motor is rated for 240 deg C, but VESC Tool limits the settings to 120 degC.  How to change the limits?

Also: I use 100k NTC (and 10k pull-up) to measure the motor winding temperature because because it gives much better resolution at high temperature (when compared to 10k NTC).   I changed the file hw_60.h  like this:

     // #define NTC_TEMP_MOTOR(beta)    (1.0 / ((logf(NTC_RES_MOTOR(ADC_Value[ADC_IND_TEMP_MOTOR]) / 10000.0) / beta) + (1.0 / 298.15)) - 273.15)  
     #define NTC_TEMP_MOTOR(beta)    (1.0 / ((logf(NTC_RES_MOTOR(ADC_Value[ADC_IND_TEMP_MOTOR]) / 100000.0) / beta) + (1.0 / 298.15)) - 273.15)

this seems to work OK.

By the way: I am testing a DIY motor / beast with VESC-6.  Results so far:

  • up to 30 Nm of torque with 140 deg phase angle 
  • no-load speed up to 8000 rpm with field weakening and 12S LiPo
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120° might burn your hall sensors or the PCB they are attached to (if internal) and its not healthy for the coating of the stator! Its nice to have high temp copper but some parts in your motor might give up earlier.


Last seen: 1 day 5 hours ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:46
Posts: 38

Hi Frank, than you for your advice, but the NTC in my motor is attached to the winding end turns -- nothing but copper and insulation. 

Answering my own NOOB question: vesc_tool --> Developer --> Parameter Editor Mcconf --> l_temp_motor_start/end --> change values --> save --> exit --> compile

Danny Bokma
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:11
Posts: 53

If I remember correctly you can also cheat by exporting the config as xml, change the value you like and import it -> store to VESC.