I ordered a VESC hardware version 4.12 and I want to control it from another microcontroller.
For this purpose I need current and speed measurements from the VESC, over any bus possible. Unfortunately my controller can't do CAN so I'm stuck with UART or I2C.
Is there any documentation how to get started on the busses? I am very proficient with CAN but haven't worked with the other busses that much.
This is VESC UART control from RollingGecko. There’s a VESC6 branch as well.
You could interface an SPI CAN controller with your microcontroller along with a CAN transceiver. CAN is the most robust way to communicate with the VESC especially if you are doing multiple.
Is there any Documentation how to communicate via CAN with the VESC? What Messages does the VESC send and which Message ID I have to send to set the Duty Cycle?
I want to use another µC to control 2 VESC. Every VESC is connected to the µC with one CAN Bus.