When using a dual VESC setup (each VESC controlling one motor each- both motors have identical specs i.e. same model) do the VESCs talk to each other at all? What I am curious to know is whether the two identical motors will be rotating at exactly the same speed or will there be a difference?
Depends on your setup and choice of control mode. The controllers do talk to another and can be set to perform all sort of behaviors. In vehicles you usually do not want to lock the motors at the same speed. Imagine driving through a curve. In other applications you might want the same speed at all motors at all the time. The VESC-Tool software offers som any options to adjust things to your needs, including changing the code base to your needs.
Dear Frank,
Many thanks for your response which answer some of the followup questions I had.
I thought about it too and I would like to know what is the difference between single and dual model setting? If I wanted two motors to run completely simultaneously with the Flipsky FSESC 4.2 controller, would it be possible in single mode? Does the controller then supply exactly the same amount of power to both channels?
how do I setup so that I get fwd and reverse and also regen. Cant seem to get this combo. Can get fwd and reverse without rtegen but adding regen doesnt work the system goes unstabble with motors just hunting.
I bought a Nanrobot LS& Dual 3000 watt motors running 72 volts and i think 35 Ah battery. I see in the brochure the 2 separate controllers put out max 50 amps. I wonder if I can retain the display and make it work with a VESC controller that powers 2 motors. I am wanting to cobble together an auxillery 72 volt battery and attach it down low?
Any thoughts?