On previous versions of the Vesc firmware I implemented a cruisecontrol using a single actuator (thumb throttle) connected to adc 0. Not a big application, but it works nice. While on my bike I don't have to hold the thumb throttle all the time and can lay down on my triathlon steer. Of course safety is a big issue, but my brakes are always stronger then my motor and every little tap on the thumb throttle deactivate the cruise control. I used it for now like 10k kilometers without any hazardous situations. I would not recommend this on high power motors for safety reasons.
anyway code and explanation can be found here:
Because I couldn't succeed with compiling with the latest version (bin file to big) I thought I will give the Lisp scripting possibility a try. So I translated my C code one on one to Lisp. I don't know if a one-on-one translation is smart to do, because probably in Lisp you can do things smarter (or not) I don't know. If there are any suggestion please let me know. For example is there a better way to do a switch state ?
First I couldn't find the lisp scripting in the Vesc tool, found the right VESC Tool in the downloads in 'vesc_tool_BETA_ALL.zip' also the silent HFI is integrated in this version, also want to integrate.
I must say I don't find Lisp very straightforward (would have preferred like micro Python), it is less readable, but overall it went quite well. And the most important thing that there is a possibility for scripting. Also very handy is that you can see directly the value's of variables (bindings).
Some questions:
Is it possible to make a little GUI with QML and set some variables in LISP and save it to the eeprom ? And if so is there a tutorial for how to 'connect' between QML and Lisp variable's and functions ?
So this is my Lisp code:
(define pwr 0) ;0-1 used for setting the dutycycle
(define pwrtmp 0) ;0-1 thumbthrottle value
(define state 0)
(define timer-throttle 0)
(define pwr-highest 0)
;Fixed variables
(define timer-throttle-return 20)
(define border-throttle 0.3)
(loopwhile t
(setvar 'pwr (get-adc-decoded 0))
(setvar 'pwrtmp pwr)
;if power is > 0 then go to state 1
(if (= state 0)
(if (> pwrtmp 0)
(setvar 'state 1)
(setvar 'pwr 0)
;if power is 0 again go to state 2
(if (= state 1)
(setvar 'pwr pwrtmp)
(if (= pwrtmp 0)
(setvar 'state 2)
(setvar 'timer-throttle 0)
;if within 0.2 seconds (timer-throttle-return) pwr is bigger than 0 go to state 3
(if (= state 2)
(setvar 'timer-throttle (+ timer-throttle 1))
(if (> timer-throttle timer-throttle-return)
(setvar 'state 0)
(if (> pwrtmp 0)
(setvar 'state 3)
(setvar 'pwr-highest 0)
;Keep track of the highest power in pwr-highest
;if pwr-highest is < border-throttle then pwrtmp is the dutycylce (pwr) to send
;if pwr-highest is > border-throttle then pwr-highest is the dutycycle (pwr) to send = cruisecontrol
;if thumbthrottle = 0 again (pwrtmp) go to state 4 if pwr-highest > border-throttle or to state 0 when pwr-highest < border-throttle
(if (= state 3)
(if (> pwrtmp pwr-highest)
(setvar 'pwr-highest pwrtmp)
(if (< pwr-highest border-throttle)
(setvar 'pwr pwrtmp)
(if (>= pwr-highest border-throttle) ;else if
(setvar 'pwr pwr-highest)
(if (= pwrtmp 0)
(if (>= pwr-highest border-throttle)
(setvar 'state 4)
(if (< pwr-highest border-throttle) ;else if
(setvar 'state 0)
;cruise control in action, dutycycle (pwr) is pwr-highest until
;the thumbthrottle is touched again (pwrtmp > 0)
(if (= state 4)
(setvar 'pwr pwr-highest)
(if (> pwrtmp 0)
(setvar 'state 5)
(if (= state 5)
(if (= pwrtmp 0)
(setvar 'state 0)
(set-duty pwr)
;100 hz
(sleep 0.01)
Any updates on this? I'm looking to implement similar cruise control via Lisp scripting as well. I think the only change I'd need to this one is to stop the power if the brake/adc2 was hit.
I've been playing with set-duty in the same fashion as the OP's script above. For my motor it's too choppy. Has anyone played with the optOffDelay of set-current instead?
edit: set-current and set-current-rel with the optOffDelay set to a slightly larger second amount than the second delay in the loop solved the choppy motor power. It's smooth but my issue now is that set-current only works with higher current/rpm. set-current-rel works but I haven't written code to calculate what that should be since there is no get-current-rel. I wish set-duty had an optOffDelay.