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How to prevent ground loop?

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Last seen: 5 days 21 hours ago
Joined: 2024-08-08 11:50
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How to prevent ground loop?

I have 2 vescs connected with can bus and single power supply. Both the vescs have same firmware and i am using similar bldc motor. I tried controlling the two vescs using the vesc tool via usb, but it didnt work and i can only run one motor at a time. So after a lot of search i found that i can may be use arduino via UART port to run both the vescs. 

I tried running both the vescs individually using arduino and it works fine, but my doubt is when i connect it to the master vesc, do i have to connect only the communication wires or GND as well? 

When i tried with the single vesc i only connected Tx and RX and it worked fine, but for connecting with dual vescs I am not sure about the ground connection as i have been reading alot about ground loops and i am really have no clue what it is and how to prevent it. 

Also i am powering up the arduino using laptop via usb. 

Does anyone has any suggestion on this?

electricfox's picture
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It´s absolutely no problem to control two Vescs via CAN. On Trampaboards Website you find manuals for VESC´s in "HQ". In manuals it´s described how to wire CAN Bus. You should only connect CAN H to CAN H and CAN L to CAN L. Avoid ground loops. Using VESC´s with a power supply while using a laptop via USB can also cause problems. 

Onarb Kabr
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V E S C T O O L  P R O J E C T   F O R   

   E V E R Y O N E®


   (known as Pandora's box...)



Dear Mr. Vedder...(or somebody else)


I am "happy" owner of 100A vesc controller,  one kilogram weight ,3.5kW outrunner and 66 pcs. of Li-Ion cells.  I highly praise and admire Your masterwork called: VESC TOOL PROJECT...but...possession is not enough to be a Lucky guy. Goddess of Fortune won't smile on you .....until you get educated. And this is a core of my problem. I am standard electrician - electrician bu trade -maintenance guy .. with some Electronic experiences.. but... FOR PROPERLY SET/ADJUSTED VESC-(tool) it's NOT ENOUGH... THIS IS A TASK FOR NARROWLY SPECIALISED - UNIVERSITY EDUCATED EXPERT(S)-! engineers... How Can a guy/girl with medium education fully enjoy their devices which costs several hundreds $or€or£...?  Problems which are fixed on vesc forum are not for ordinary folk... plenty of requirements...real QUANTUM of values...Questions seems endless.... So ... what is a solution - (for everyone) ? ...


My proposal is: 


pleas ...


# Create (some possible) database (list) of verified-recomended-well estabilished settings of "vesc+mot"-pairs, which's "behavior" -based on (some) requirements will be (briefly) described in attached description. (batt.type too) if it's possible, "pack of settings" could be easy sent by email . Contrive and trump up the way how to transfer "pack of settings" get into vesctool and drop it in vesc.


# Make (affordable payed) service which will Create "custom settings" based on individual "unit behavior" requirements. (May offer limited list of settings of pairs - which's behavior  and properties are REALLY and SERIOUSLY tried and approved)


# Make an "homepage post" - place, where satisfied users will publish (in prescribed way) their own settings-experiencies with their pairs (vesc+mot) with behavior-properties of used drive units...(boards, scooters, bikes,vehicles...) (those people could be called DIAMOND CONTRIBUTORS ) 





# Send me some website where I Can buy some cyanide or any venom....



truly Yours... 



Hopeless Holder™ 





... Sent From my sister's Huawei 

Spaceman's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
VESC BronzeVESC Free
Joined: 2022-03-03 05:06
Posts: 9

Mansi, Best practice is the use of Isolation transforms when testing and tethering 3rd party hardware. Example MAX14882 for CAN.

Onarb, Many and plentiful instructions how to now compared to the early stages of the Vesc Project. The tool for calculations located on above site tab is a good start for parameter reference. I like the idea of solutions and that would be one of many such as your POS support from purchase.  

As an electrician you are aware of factors, Mega ohm insulation resistance, shunts, LCR meters , Battery internal resistance. Similar to asking where is space X in F in fussy quantum without referring to basic manufacture data specification. 

In doubt locate someone in the know to configure your equipment before agreeing to terms and conditions in the VESC tool for your own safety and liability.  There is also the fun of learning.

The sky is not the limit for ideas

Keep it simple.