Has anyone tried to implement an simple "breaking" light on VESC firmware?
I'm working on a onewheel now, and was thinking about having ws2812b on te front and on the back, illuminating them accordingly, and changing intensity to have a "breaking" light.
Hello everyone,
I did some more research, and I actually found a video and a firmware that Benjamin made using ws2811 for breaking lights and turn signals, the firmware name is VESC_ws2811.bin.
But, i noticed looking the source code that you can't use Hall sensors if the leds are enabled.
I'm gonna keep studing the source code and see if I can figure it out.... I "need" to have both hall sensors and leds enabled, but no idea if it is possible.
Hey, have you figured out how to do this?
Have you seen this? TelTail Lights (TTL) - Interactive eSkate Lighting System - Esk8 Dev - esk8.news forums
Yes, using an Arduino and the VESC Uart communication, you can achieve a brake light system.
See here for an example : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjXEg_Xbv8
I am trying to achieve the same stuff and I also want to keep hall sensors.
I am trying to control the ws2812b leds with the GPIOB 5 pin (ppm pin normally) but without success so far.
Have you find a way vitormhenrique?
I've completed a arduino and mpu6050 set up that uses ws2818 leds for a passive brake light setup. Currently working on field testing. Here is the Gethub node. :
Old thread but I have a nice working system that uses an arduino, a quality buck, and some off-the-shelf LEDs to do smart brake lighting by reading current + RPM and using negative Current to indicate when braking is really happening: https://github.com/readysetawesome/VESCSmarterBrakes/tree/main
The project includes 3d files for the custom enclosure you see here, which bolts directly to Lacroix Hypertrucks:
C Becker