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Help "ERASE" Lisp Script that crashes VESC TOOL (terminal command?)

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Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2024-06-02 21:43
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Help "ERASE" Lisp Script that crashes VESC TOOL (terminal command?)

i have a LISP script saved on my VESC,  it was printing out a message in a loop.  It causes my VESC TOOL to become laggy and stop responding.

Now, I have a problem where I cant seem to 'ERASE" the script and stop it.. it appears to continue running even after I restore the VESC to default parameters. So, i am unable to ERASE the script,  and it causes my VESC TOOL to stop responding when I go to the LISP tab.

Is there a terminal command, or some other way that I can ERASE the LISP script?  I cant get the LISP tab to open up and click the button.  DOes anyone have a suggestion for how i can clear this script,  i cant continue because it repeatedly crashes VESC TOOL. 

It was a very simple script getting the ADC throttle decoded and then printing it out in a 0.01 ms loop ,  which is apparently too fast. I would appreciate any help erasing this script!


Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2024-06-02 21:43
Posts: 2

my question still stands,  however I was able to get around this issue by  openig the VESC tool without connecting.  Remaining disconnected.  GOTO the  LISP tab in dev tools. Click away from the "CONSOLE/REPL" tab down on the bottom, so its not printing anything. I also unchecked "AutoRun" and "Poll Status".   Then, I connected,  and quickly started clicking "ERASE" button,  and i was able to erase the script before the VESC TOOL started to lag out.


I'm connected with USB serial,  i am wondering if there is a limitation on the console print frequency over USB?  because i never had this problem with BLE printing messages extremely fast.  Just a thought!


However i would appreciate any other suggestions,  i imagine there is a terminal command or some other way to clear the LISP script from the VESC?  Thank you

Last seen: 3 weeks 6 days ago
Joined: 2020-06-12 18:56
Posts: 3

Hello, I ran into the same Problem. I solved it by uploading a "new" firmware via bluetooth.