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Please Help.. VESC Tool 6.02 starts, but window won't open.

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Please Help.. VESC Tool 6.02 starts, but window won't open.

Greetings to all,

My VESC tool used to work fine, but haven't used  since February 2023.  Today I went to resolve an issue with a vesc and the tool minimized and doesn't seem to want to open again.  Running task manager shows that the VESC Tool program is running, however it won't open.  

Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2020-06-28 19:52
Posts: 9

On my windows-laptop, the issue can be solved by repositioning the default-position of the window in the registry, as the given default position is way off a 'normal' laptop-screen. -> see windows-help

Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2020-06-28 19:52
Posts: 9

As I got some replies on PM, here a little more specific

I did not do that for quite a while, that is why I was a bit unspecified :-) Take the Internet as further help.

- search for registry editor, open and go to HKEY_current_user - Software - VESC - VESCTool - and I think, MainWindow - position. There shoud be a quite big values. Change this value to (10 10)

- the window might still be too broad for your screen, so maximise it and then fit it to your size, and close VESCtool to store the new size. This helps. If the window gets big again with an update etc., do this right at the beginning, so you don't have to go via the registry

And as a hint to Benjamin: if possible, redefine the default values to the left-upper corner for the next release :-)