I was able to build VEDC firmware without problems in a windows powershell easily using the instructions provided. Great job making this easy!
However, attempting to build the example REPL per the instructions at https://github.com/vedderb/bldc/blob/master/lispBM/lispBM/doc/manual/ch1... results in the following:
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [Makefile:50: repl] Error 2
I've scrubbed through most of the makefile and haven't found the culprit. I suspect the windows gcc tools installation (via chocolatey per instructions) may be missing a library.
Before diving in further, has anyone solved this issue?
Yes, it appears that chocolatey is missing the pthread, readline, and history libraries. Not an obvious package either. :(
This might be the best kind of thread in which the OP solves his own problem. Just to close this out, the repl example in the lispBM chapter 1 intro is built for/on the pc. The CL mingw native toolset for windows does not include all the libraries required to do this, so if anyone is heading down this path on a windows machine, they'll need to skip over that part of the introduction.