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Vesc Tool 6.02 compiling Error on Ubuntu (res_fw.qrc)

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Vesc Tool 6.02 compiling Error on Ubuntu (res_fw.qrc)

Hello everyone,

as I am diving deeper into compiling my own Firmware on Ubuntu 20.04, I have had some problems. Imo the documentation isn't up to date or at least unspecific for s.o. trying to reproduce the promised result.

Here is a problem I cannot solve: When using the Qt Creator to compile the vesc_tool 6.02 previously downloaded from github, I try to run the code to get:

Warning: Failure to find: res/firmwares/res_fw.qrc

I tried out an older version of the vesc_tool (0.95 from where the needed files exist with the right title but I cannot use the 0.95 because my motor controllers have a newer firmware version.

It seems like the old "res_fw.qrc" got renamed and some other part of code is looking for the old title.

What is the problem here? Any dependencies within the code that are not aligned with each other, wrong settings from my side or other stuff I didn't consider?

Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2023-07-09 15:39
Posts: 5


Have you managed to solve this issue?

I'm running into the same problem at the moment.

EDIT: Found it.

Was looking at the commits of the last release, and found this one:


This led me file ./build_cp_fw  in the VESC_TOOL folder. I needed to edit this file so that the FWPATH variable pointed to the location of the BLDC source (firmware).

After doing that and running this script, it complied all firmwares (it took a while) and the missing QRC file was generated. After that I was able to run "./build_lin" and that built the VESC_TOOL (after another while)


Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2023-06-06 15:15
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Hello DaRho,

Thanks for bring up the issues and resolved it. However I read carefully your latest comments, I cannot figure out the meaning of "edit ./build_cp_fw FWPATH variable". Could you specifiy more of your comments?

1. What to change FWPATH vaiable to?  

2. Do we have to build bldc, too? (For the firmware?)


Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2023-07-09 15:39
Posts: 5


It seems that the link I posted was removed, so my post lacks a bit of clarity indeed. I can't find this changelog at the moment, but the bottom line is, that the FWPATH needs to point to location that has the BLDC firmware (available from
I have put this project on pause for a while now, so I don't rememer the exact details, but, if I remember correctly, you need to:

1) update the FWPATH in the file mentioned above to point to BLDC firmware location

2) then run the ./build_cp_fw, which will build assets from BLDC firmware that are necessairy for VESC_TOOL build

3) Once it's done (it will take a while), you run ./build_lin to complete the VESC_TOOL build.

Now there should be no error for missing .QRC files anymore.


I hope that helps.


Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2018-01-07 02:24
Posts: 9

i got the qrc file issue fixed but i get the following error in ./build_lin. help needed

gcc   QCodeEditor.o   -o QCodeEditor
/usr/lib/qt5/bin/uic display_tool/dispeditor.ui -o build/lin/obj/ui_dispeditor.h
/usr/lib/qt5/bin/uic qmarkdowntextedit/qplaintexteditsearchwidget.ui -o build/lin/obj/ui_qplaintexteditsearchwidget.h
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file QCodeEditor: Is a directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [<builtin>: QCodeEditor] Error 1
