I just installed VESC Tool 2.05
My VESC Hardware is 4.12
I can not find VESC_servoout.bin after I selected Show non-default firmwares.
Is VESC_servoout.bin still supported on the latest firmware? As you know lots of people use it for robotics application.
If no longer supported, where can we find the lastes stable firmware that still supports VESC_servoout.bin?
Thank you,
Just checking in to see if anyone can reply.
Is VESC_servoout.bin still supported? If so, will there be a release with the new VESCTools?
New builds at https://github.com/vedderb/bldc/tree/master/build_all/410_o_411_o_412?
Thank you
I am also not able to find out the "vesc_servoout.bin". I installed the free version from this link: https://vesc-project.com/vesc_tool. I could not find the firmware update file vesc_servoout.bin. I am not sure whether it is safe to update the firmware with vesc_default.bin. I appreciate any guidance on this issue.
If this is not the right place to post the question please let me know where.
Is VESC_servoout.bin still supported?
I don't see it with the latest VESC Tools nor at GitHub.
Thank you,
I'd be quite interested too Benjamin/Frank as I was hoping to write a custom app that accepts serial in, controls the VESC and generates 2x PPM channels out.
Hi everyone,
I havent tried it myself but looks like this is a possible solution. I don't fully understand the steps so please let me know if you get it:
Compiling it with the servo-out flag enabled worked for me.
I am having hard time trying to steer the wheel of the car, then I found out servoout.bin firmware would support that for VESC4.12. Can anyone tell me where to find that file and if it is not avialable or it doesn't work anymore, please tell me other ways to get the wheels to steer.
Thank you,
You may have figured it out already, but here are the instructions to do this on the latest VESC 6 MK VI
Basically you don't need the VESC_servoout.bin with the latest VESC Tool + latest VESC 6. It's built in as on option in the VESC tool.