Hi Folks,
I discovered a really dangerous bug when I played with that new KILLSWITCH safety function in FW 5.03 (probably the bug present in 6.02FW too). I use to control the VESC a cruise control PPM remote (I set the needed PPM value and the controller holds that value till I cancel it or accelerate or decelerate). No need to hold the throttle. Now I set up the kill function (ADC2 Low or ADC2 High it doesn't matter, fails both) to test it.
I set the cruise speed on the remote to hold it, the motor run at constant speed then I activate the killswitch input the motor immediately stops as it should. Important the PPM signal is still present because the remote still maintains the speed (of course, I had set Safe Start in PPM tab to Regular). But if I deactivate the killswitch input the motor immediately starts and speeds up to the set speed. The VESC ignored the Safe Start function.
This is a very unsafe and dangerous situation in combination with the cruise control remotes.
We can look into this and see if it is possible to add a safe start feature after the kill switch activation. In general PWM/PPM remotes are not safe to begin with. It is no dual way communication and the ESC can't know if a signal is intended or not.
That is why the PPM input should be automatically blocked after the safety switch is activated. After deactivating the killswitch VESC must always require safe start.