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Vesc edu 6 with 2800Kv brushless motor speed control

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Joined: 2022-10-15 14:11
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Vesc edu 6 with 2800Kv brushless motor speed control


I am new to brushless motor control so forgive me if my question is incomplete or basic. I am currently building an autonomous race car on a 1:10 scaled car chassis. I am wondering if I can use 2800KV sensored motor with Vesc6 Edu for rpm control. 

My robot has:

2S lipo,

2800 Kv sensored motor ( )

As I will be building an autonomous race robot I am interested in good velocity control and I dont want to limit the motor speed and torque with the ESCs ampere output too much. Do you think I need to step up to Vesc 6 60v by chaning LiPo to 3s or would Vesc 6 Edu be enough? As far as I see from the specs VESC6 Edu is capable of 25 amps and the motor can withdraw much more.

Thank you for your help in advance!



Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2017-09-07 22:28
Posts: 232

if position control is required, odrive could be better.