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the latest vesc6 version

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Andy Moon
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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the latest vesc6 version

Hi! I want to test vesck6 mkv version hardware and firmware code by myself.

Is vesc6 mkv the latest version?

I could find vesc6.4, vesc6 plus and vesc6 mkv schematic files and it seems vesc6 mkv release date is newer than other files, is it?

Is vesc6 mkv version is same as other companies vesc 6.6 version?

Please give more detail vesc6 version information to me.

Thank you.

Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Wat do the yellow and green wirie go to. Is it a ground this or hot.

Garfield Bodden

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VESC 6mkV is currently the latest and different to third party offers. There is a MKVI coming to the market soon.