I've purchased a VESC 6 75V and it came with beta firmware 6.0 (status beta 56). The VESC software complains that I have to downgrade the firmware or upgrade the VESC software. Since there's no newer version of the software available, I need to downgrade the firmware. When I go to the firmware page, it shows all available versions as long as I don't connect to the VESC. But in order to download the firmware, I must first connect to the VESC, but as soon as I do that the list with available versions is cleared. So it looks like I'm not able to downgrade the firmware or upgrade the software.
What am I supposed to do now?
Solved it myself :) Eventually I downloaded the firmware binary from the git repo, loaded it in the VESC software as custom firmware and downloaded it to the VESC. That worked well.
Is this the link you used to get the new firmware:
Having the same issue as you but when i try the firmware above VESC-TOOL informs me that the file is too large