Hi Benjamin,
first thanks for your great work, i really like your project.
one (more) question from my side: do you think it is possible to connect a NRF51822 modul on the pins where you connect th nrf24l01 in your vesc 6 schematic ?
so the normal uart will be free for debug and other use
It is possible, that is actually done on the 75/300 already and the next revision of the V6. I added support for that in the firmware a while ago.
Hi Benjamin,
thanks for your answer. This sounds good. Can you give me a hint, how to activate it ? I'm still not good in understanding the whole code. I'm more the hardware guy :)
i just tried a copy/paste approach and added so following defines to my hw conf, but it is not working
// Permanent UART Peripheral (for NRF51)
#define HW_UART_P_BAUD 115200
#define HW_UART_P_DEV SD4
#define HW_UART_P_TX_PIN 3
#define HW_UART_P_RX_PIN 4
I saw that most of the hardware use GPIOC for the permanent uart, but this ports are used for the DRV on HW6. Is it possible to start a uart on every GPIO ?
okay, found out myself :)
my pins has no UART as alternate pin function
i use now pins from the hall-sensor connector. i have a sensorless motor and this pins are free
I saw your post and I want to implement same solution.
Did you manage to make it work?
Is there any more code to change?
What pins did you use?
I fugured it out.
had to put:
into hw_XXX.h
and change this two.
than I just had to work out which HAL input is RX an which is TX.