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Controling the Vesc via Uart and Matlab?

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Michael Hamm
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2022-01-02 12:13
Posts: 3
Controling the Vesc via Uart and Matlab?

Hello everybody,

I want to control the Vesc via Matlab over Uart. Does anyone have some tips for me or example code that helps me getting started? 

I'm searching the whole day for existing solutions but i didn't found anything helpful, at least in my eyes. Thank you for your support!



Fikret Sonmez
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2022-07-25 16:58
Posts: 1


Bldc motor can be driven using vesc tool. I can drive the stm I have used with matlab simulink. However, I failed to read data. The values ​​I want to read are rpm and temprature. Maybe you have found a solution to the question that has been 3 weeks, can you share any ideas in this process? I am reading data over arduino mega, the only problem is that I could not read any data even though I made uart entries from matlab simulink.