Hi everybody,
I'm building a controller for my car with Marcos open source Vesc, https://github.com/paltatech/VESC-controller.
I ordered PCBs from a service but minimum quantity was 5.
I need two of them so I have 3 left.
The version is 0.2.
The price is (total cost)/(10 boards)= 20 euros each board (the truth is that adaptors costs a bit less and logic a bit more because of four layers. So I don't earn anything.
Price is without shipping, it will be calculated once the destination is known.
Ships from Italy.
Here is the picture:
hi albertocesare
Im interested, check your PMs :)
Hello everyone:
I am also interested in the v0.2 boards if anyone can enlighten me where to buy them. . . .I keep running into dead ends,,,,
Hi, what are the chance you still have the boards for sale??? Long shot???
If not can you send the pcb files, so I can get them made also
Thanks pete
i have this!
AND optimizing it!