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Flipsky6.6 usb not detected

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Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2018-02-13 16:54
Posts: 1
Flipsky6.6 usb not detected



After having used 4 different 4'12hw vesc I bought a flipsky v6.6

I know the problem sound common but I didn't find any answer to my problem.

When I power the ESC light turns green but impossible to connect it to the vesctools using the usb port.

The com mport don't appear on Windows when I plug the ESC...

I've tried 3 different cables and 3 computer with the same conclusion.(all the three computer have been used with no issues on my 4.12hw)

To me it look like a badly solder usb connector on the board hovewer it look properly attached to the board ( no play).


Any ideas before I pay half of the ESC price to send it back to China?


Thanks in advance for your help.