after some years I want to continue my project with an motor and Flipsky FSESC6.7 again.
With the wizard, I could configure the motor, however I have some issues with the signal. I wanted to use a simple potentiometer for the beginning which I connected to the 3 wires from the FSESC.
I get 5V from the FSESC and on the output, i get a signal between 0-5V, which I put back to the FSESC signal line. (white cable). However, if I go to the VESC tool --> Welcome&Wizards --> Setup input, the ADC voltage stays at ~1.5V and does not change.
U think when I tried this the last time some years ago, it worked without issues - later I changed it to PPM-input, bit for now I would like to start again with the simple potentiometer.
Does anyone know, what could be my mistake? Maybe it is quite simple...
Best regards