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Communicate to VESC with ESP32/Arduino

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Communicate to VESC with ESP32/Arduino


I'm having some trouble using an ESP32 to control my VESC motor controller. I am trying to connect my ESP32 to a VESC motor controller using UART2. I have already tried using the RollingGecko, SolidGeek, and Peemouse libraries for UART control, but nothing seems to work. We have tested our motor using the VESCtool keyboard controls, and it spins perfectly with 3A of power. However, when trying to use the Arduino IDE, it was not able to communicate with the VESC.

I've been using this GitHub library for all my debugging (mentioned before): . All of my VESC app settings are default.

Any advice on communicating from an ESP32 and the VESC is appreciated. If there is an easier way to communicate to the VESC using another communication method (PPM, CANbus, etc.) or have encountered this issue in the past, any help is appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance!

P.S I am using this Flipsky VESC: along with a hub motor

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Posts: 19

I have successfully done what you are trying to do, it was a pain in the ass!!!!

It was a few years ago and I don´t remember all the details, but if my notes are any trustworthy, I was using RollingGecko's lib and you must make sure UART communication is set in the VESC.

Working with the ESP is just a matter of using appropriate pins, there was no issues with the architecture at all.

Just remember the stupid ESP32 blocks some pins functions when using radio!!!! It was not very well documented at the time  -.-"


I'm coming back to this project for the next months, as soon as I get re-acquainted with my old code I can give you more details as needed.

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Unfortunately all these libraries are shi.. do not work very well. When I made my display for VESC, I tried all these libraries. Waste of time. I ended up writing mine from scratch.

Write your own lib, it's not that hard.

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How do you know the address of each parameter? Or can I see your lib?