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Eletrical Freewheel and VESC Uart for arduino updated to FW6+

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Joined: 2024-02-16 13:17
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Eletrical Freewheel and VESC Uart for arduino updated to FW6+

Hey guys,

I'm working with Uart communication with Vesc and I saw that a lot of people were asking for an update on VescUart Arduino Library since it only supported FW5 and only a few VESC features.
For the last few weeks, I've been working on updating the VescUART Arduino Library to work on the FW6+ and learned a lot about VESC.
VescUART is now a dead repository, so I decided to create my own ComEVesc
It's open source and for now we are trying to implement the maximum number of features from VESC after updating it to FW6+

Another cool feature that I implemented for my team is one of the examples of the library, it's electrical freewheel!!
I've seen that in a lot of forums topics people were asking for this and since I'm working on it, I decided to include my work on one of the examples.
My implementation is pretty simple, and maybe I'll develop it a bit further.
Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for your time!!