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VESC for rocketry project

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Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2023-07-02 00:15
Posts: 2
VESC for rocketry project

Hi everyone !

We are an association that make and launch rocket every year (  For this year we choose to do a reacting wheel as experiment for our rocket.

I was personnaly in charge of the electronic parts and currently discovering vesc tool to save the experiment part.

We use that motor :

We ordered this vesc :

And we've these power supply :

And I'm trying to tune the vesc to fit our motor with vesc tool and the setup motor FOC (settings : small inrunner, 97W Max power loss, 4 poles, 120mm wheel diameter, 4 cells and 1300mAh battery Li-Ion) but the detextion fails and I get the following error : "Motor Overtemperature fault, Motor overheaded, is current limit ok ?". I don't know why bc the motor is cold and I first ran this test with only 14,8V and 5A and still get the same error.

Any help will be welcome, we run out of time and I need my motor to spin ^^

Ty in advance


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VESC Original
Joined: 2019-01-01 17:11
Posts: 118

Do the motor wizard without sensors being connected or set the correct temperature sensor type and values in Motor settings -> General -> Temperature -> Motor Temperature Sensor Type.

Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2023-07-02 00:15
Posts: 2

First thank you for your quick answer. We manage to run the Setup and understand the vesc tool more. Now we would like to connect our vesc with an Arduino Uno with UART link. What kind of datas can be send to the PID integrated in the vesc ? Acceleration ? Current ? And in which format ? It's really important for us to understand how the vesc controls the motor because we gonna then link it to a MCU (stm32 black pill : integrated in the rocket which need to act autonomous for few minutes.