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EBike Bafang M500 mide drive motor: VESC + DIY ESP32 board running Pyhton firmware

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EBike Bafang M500 mide drive motor: VESC + DIY ESP32 board running Pyhton firmware

EBike / EScooter modular DIY OpenSource electronics and software

See here:

Modular DIY electronics and software details

This modular and DIY system, replace the original motor controller and display, keeping the original battery and sensors. It is composed of three different modular parts:

  • VESC compatible motor controller
  • EBike/EScooter board (ESP32, running Python firmware)
  • Display (ESP32, running Python firmware)

The motor controller and the EBike/EScooter board, together, replace the original motor controller.

EBike board schematic: