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config wanted, for 75100 with ebike geared hub motor

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2022-11-20 18:14
Posts: 2
config wanted, for 75100 with ebike geared hub motor

Hi everyone. I am not able to create a smooth running setup Gmac/flipsky 75100 with FOC and hall sensors.
Runs perfect when wheels are in the air. runs horrbible under load when i am sitting on it.
Runs smooth when i accelerate VERY careful and gently, when i pull the throttle harder it`s
stuttering and making noises.
Playing with the values now for weeks, that`s why i am looking for a config file now

Do you have a good running setup with the 75100 and a geared ebike hub motor
(e. g. Gmac). ? Would you send it to me?
Pleas contact me!

Oded Mazor
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-12-24 14:36
Posts: 14

Can you share a screenshot of the current (motor, battery, peak...) Settings?

What battery are you using?