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Fsesc 75100 current heavily oscillating

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Last seen: 11 months 6 days ago
Joined: 2020-05-01 17:37
Posts: 2
Fsesc 75100 current heavily oscillating

Hello Guys, 
I have a problem with my fsesc 75100. Mainly the problem is that the current is heavily pulsing or oscillating ( Firstly I tried it on 5.3 firmware ( but forgot to turn off phase filter (did I blew something??, if yes what?) then on stock 5.2 firmware. Both firmware versions showed the same result. Motor detection runs fine, spins the motor smoothly and returns reasonable parameters. I changed a few foc parameters like O.G. but couldn't affect the current behavior at all. (Is there a certain parameter that I could try changing?). What could be the cause for this? (bad wiring, blown esc or wrong foc parameters?)