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Power loss after 30seconds.

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flyingbrike's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2020-05-14 15:39
Posts: 9
Power loss after 30seconds.

Hello there. I am using a scramboard, 54.6V 13s battery and a converted alternator as FOC motor on a motorbike.

I have no hall-sensors (yet) and no temp probe(yet).

It works pretty well @ 100amp motor current and battery current. 45kmh . Good torque. Good braking.

But it boggs at startup.

Rpm is limited @ 35k erpm , but is dependent on the rotor current. How can up this?

More important :  when going uphill, after 30seconds to 1 minit, the bike slows down. Current goes down to 30amps.

Battery voltage stays over 50v. No overheating of controller or motor. No errors reported.

When i stop for a few seconds , power is back.

Any ideas?

I tried normal firmware 412 ant no-limit-firmware.