Have a weird problem. I'm running 2 Flipsky FSESC 4.12 esc's using a futaba radio gear and the can bus to link the esc's. Initially I was running 6s for testing and managed to run through the firmware updates and the wizards for motor and input controls (current mode with fwd and rev). The slave esc was behaving as expected. Then I changed to 12s to get the require speed for my project. I changed the cell count in the vesc tool to 12s and made sure both esc's have the same values for cell count. It worked as expected and ran at a much quicker speed with more torque.
Then when I plugged in a new 12s pack and powered up my master esc my rx powered up as normal but then I powered up my slave esc the rx green led went out. I did this several times and a couple of time I managed to get the system work except the slave esc would not do anything when, only the master motor turn. I thought initially it could have been the can cable but I swapped it out and got the same results.
I then swapped out primary with a brand new esc and once again it worked for a small period on the bench and now its got the same problem. I have tried the esc's by plugging in the two rc cables and running them separately and they also work in vesc tool with the keyboard.
Does anyone have similar issues?
Oh also i noticed that the hw version is 4.10 after the firmware upgrade. Is this meant to be 4.12? The firmware version is 3.58.
Thanks Craig
Is anyone aware of this problem? I'm still trying to figure out how if the CAN chip or module is dead. Would the whole vesc be dead if the CAN module is dead?
OK just took the esc apart and checked the Can bus chip there is voltage across the gnd and vcc 3v3 and I have checked thePins on the jst 5v across pin 1 and 4 and 100 ohms across 2 and 3.
R401 is giving me 1k though. Is this the problem?
Help anyone? How can I test my CAN bus to see if its working on the dual setup????
Did you configure each Vesc with a different Can ID (using Vesc Tool attached to a single VESC via USB preferably) ?
Once this is done, using Vesc tool with USB (or UART, or NRF..) on VESC1, you should be able to reach VESC2 via CAN - see the CAN forwarding options to achieve this...
Yes I configured each VESC individually initially and tested that they worked then check the ID's were different, the master VESC ID was 81 and the slave VESC ID was 82. I then configured the VESC's with CAN fwd option on and it was working via the CAN BUS cable. I used the they system in dual mode via CAN a few times when testing and then it stopped working.