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Very weird short

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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2020-04-23 21:55
Posts: 1
Very weird short


I have a problem with repair my ESC, Hardware version 4.12.
In last year i have accident with broken DRV driver like this (I used the FOC control unnecessarily):

I check broken pin:

and his correctly connect to Vin (i use 24V) in my longboard.
I am an electrician so I know a little about it.
After changing this item to a new one I have shor on 5V circut, more precisely, on a protective diode D5 (TVS 5v diode)

I measured the voltage on it ~ 7.2V after some time it starts to heat up.
The 5V circuit has no short circuit, I checked it separately.
And now the most interesting thing, after heating the DRV system to about 120 degrees, the whole system starts to work properly! During cooling, the current consumption of the power supply increases until a short circuit.

i have no idea what is this caused, can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance for your help.


Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-07 22:28
Posts: 232

TI engineers made DRV chip should know the real cause.

I had also faced with the same situation. Firstly, I had thought that the 5V buck chip inside the DRV could cause this, but it was not.

So, when not enabled, DRV almost cool but will not function. When enabled it heats up. And DRV fault error exist. Let heating, and after a certain point it behaves normally.

So, mostly a faulty DRV have a faulty charge pump & regulators in it.

Once, I used external supply for DRV voltage pins, GVdd, AVdd, Dvdd, etc. and it worked perfectly. DRV chip should be revised by TI.