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YAFO: Yet another FOc controler

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Last seen: 3 days 23 min ago
Joined: 2023-09-23 11:26
Posts: 4
YAFO: Yet another FOc controler

Dear All,
I would like first to thank all the members on this forum who shared their knowledge.
So, I have decided to design a mid-range ESC 14s 50 Amps based on a downgrade of the  A200S_v2.1.
I have selected discrete FET drivers, motor phase current sensing but No CAN, No IMU, No servo input.
Just throttle and brake using ADCs.
Here is the first draft of the schematic and any feed back will be welcome.


Today, I got the pleasure to hear the motor smoothly running runing the FOC with autocalibration, but I got stuck later in the setup process
Does somebody knows the the meaning of the following errors and the corrective actions:




What did I missed ?
It seems that I cannot share my hwconf files on the forum. I will try later using pdf instaed of  *.c and *.h

Thanks for your help




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Joined: 2021-06-14 00:42
Posts: 7

Ive only had this happen once, and i fixed it by flashing the vesc's firmware and it has been fine since. It was not custom hardware though. Your solution may be in this thread

GetItFixed's picture
Last seen: 3 days 23 min ago
Joined: 2023-09-23 11:26
Posts: 4

Thanks Ganzey for this valuable input