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Topic Repliessort ascending Last post Forum
Normal topic Qt Creator Error - Solved
by corgon on Sat, 2022-12-10 15:20
by corgon
Sun, 2022-12-11 15:55
VESC Firmware
Normal topic ADC MAX Voltage 5volt ?
by liteglow on Sat, 2020-07-25 23:48
by liteglow
Sat, 2020-07-25 23:48
Normal topic Vesc efficiency through log (.CSV)
by th0masrtg on Tue, 2022-11-22 10:08
by th0masrtg
Tue, 2022-11-22 10:08
Normal topic adiv5.h adiv5_dp_abort function confusion
by dsppower on Sun, 2022-05-08 19:26
by dsppower
Sun, 2022-05-08 19:26
VESC Firmware
Normal topic Single shunt
by andreas on Wed, 2018-09-12 22:17
by andreas
Wed, 2018-09-12 22:17
Feature Requests
Normal topic Is it normal to have5th harmonic current ?
by Alex Marques on Fri, 2023-02-10 16:01
by Alex Marques
Fri, 2023-02-10 16:02
General discussion
Normal topic Newer DRV8353RS instead of DRV8301?
by whydoilive on Fri, 2021-04-02 10:13
by whydoilive
Fri, 2021-04-02 10:13
VESC6 Beta
Normal topic Full Brake vs Switch Off
by meisterpro on Mon, 2021-03-22 14:36
by meisterpro
Mon, 2021-03-22 14:36
Normal topic terminal command via UART for a gimbal
by fredfred on Sat, 2021-12-18 20:49
by fredfred
Sat, 2021-12-18 20:49
Normal topic VESC Setup - Fluctuating/Unstable Duty Cycle/eRPM/Current
by liminalsunset on Thu, 2022-08-04 01:44
by liminalsunset
Thu, 2022-08-04 01:44
General discussion
Normal topic Motors spin during detection but then won't spin
by jsbenson on Tue, 2023-06-27 23:54
by jsbenson
Tue, 2023-06-27 23:54
General discussion
Normal topic Dronecan 1036.StatusExtended message for motor temp
by cjmssmd on Wed, 2024-09-04 02:05
by cjmssmd
Wed, 2024-09-04 02:05
Feature Requests
Normal topic Can't find good parameters for FOC detection
by Kabroc on Thu, 2020-04-30 16:28
by Kabroc
Thu, 2020-04-30 16:28
Normal topic Switchign frequency issue?
by Maxid on Thu, 2020-12-03 11:47
by Maxid
Thu, 2020-12-03 11:47
VESC Firmware
Normal topic Flipsky 75100 rebooting under load
by SpacePT on Tue, 2022-07-26 14:47
by SpacePT
Tue, 2022-07-26 14:52
Third Party Hardware
Normal topic No load FOC stops when full FWD throttle.
by toboli on Mon, 2023-06-05 18:41
by toboli
Mon, 2023-06-05 18:41
General discussion
Normal topic UART Safety Feature
by jaghori.sasan on Wed, 2019-09-04 18:45
by jaghori.sasan
Wed, 2019-09-04 18:45
Normal topic *newbie* motors keep running backwards randomly when switch off, and then back on. Embarrassing.
by Nikolas Lamshed on Sun, 2021-06-20 13:36
by Nikolas Lamshed
Sun, 2021-06-20 13:36
General discussion
Normal topic Connecting handlebar controlls
by mannberg on Thu, 2022-03-10 14:57
by mannberg
Thu, 2022-03-10 14:57
General discussion
Normal topic HFI Tuning - "Start Voltage" Question
by drummerboy5408 on Sat, 2022-11-12 03:12
by drummerboy5408
Sat, 2022-11-12 03:12
General discussion


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